Map to the Maze

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Days of Darking: A 100 Baby Challenge: Rules

As promised, the rules to Darking.

-No cheats that will affect the lives of the house hold (money/mood/other) will be used
-Epic lifespan will be used and free will set to high. I will not control any of the children that includes taking items out of inventories. Let's see how this goes. :) 
-Lifetime rewards shall be allowed
-Solstice will make money by writing, gardening, painting, guitar (ing?), and fishing. No job 
-If needed, a young again potion or ambrosia will keep our mother young
-A new father will be used for every pregnancy. No marriages
-For pregnancies, I shall not influence the gender (no apple/watermelon products or fruits) and I shall not influence how many kids will be born (kids music/show)
-For all kids, the traits will be determined through the roll (sounds like a game show!) 
-Toddlers will be taught the fundamental skills (talking, walking, potty training) 
-Birthday cakes will be used to age up all kids, 3 days after the birth of a new child, youngest to oldest.
-Kids will attend school (not boarding), however, they cannot work 
-Kids shall be moved out of the household (and uploaded on the exchange) upon reaching young adulthood
-I have mods, and will not remove them, though I shall not use them to cheat in anyway. Just to keep track and keep control of the population.
-If building relationship with the chosen father takes more than 2 days, I am allowed to use cheats to make them friends

Well, those are our rules. We will see how long I can deal with this, how often I post, and how many kids I'll get through before losing interest. :)

These rules were influenced (or taken from):

The 'Official' Rules are here.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Days of Darking: A 100 Baby Challenge

Okay. So, I have decided to try a 100 baby challenge. I'll look at other challenges rules and then post my own, so, no biggie. :) This is just a short intro to our character.
 This is Eclipse Darking. I am only guessing at the last name. If it isn't Darking, it will soon be. Incase you haven't been eating your carrots, her traits are: Artistic, Family Oriented, Friendly, Natural Cook, and Neat. Also, her lifetime wish is: Illustrious Author- Master the Painting and Writing Skills.
This is where she'll be living. It is Shot Gun Style from Sunset Valley, modified. So, we'll see how the house expands with her family. :)


So, incase you haven't noticed, (which I don't think anyone has) voting is off to the side! This is a poll for who should carry on generation two of Donners. I don't think I would be excited with anyone except for Macy or Katie, so I only made those two possible heirs. If you have a complaint or a write in, comment on this post. 11 days left to vote! Poll closes the 10th of December I believe. EVERY VOTE COUNTS!! :D

PS Please vote. =)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Donner Legacy: House Tour

I did not order these reposts chronologically, so some text will be screwed up an make no sense. Sorry! :) Also, please ignore all notes to the audience. I know it all now! Thanks Amberwaves. :D

The Donner Legacy: Generation 1: Chapter 3

Hello all. This is the last chapter of Donners forever unless you vote that I should continue with the file that I had saved when Sam was still a toddler. I would have to play for a while to get the family back to where it was before I accidentally deleted them. *Sniff* I’m still sad about it... Technology hates me and I have no luck. Unless it’s the most awful kind in the universe, then I have loads of it.

I'm so sad I'm so sad because the idiot person who writes this ERASED OUR FAVORITE FAMILY!
***Warning: Slight language. But only light ones.***

The Donner Legacy: Generation 1: Chapter 2

Welcome to the second chapter of the Donner legacy! We finally got here! Make sure, before you read this, that you have read the first chapter, or else you will be hopelessly lost. :) Cheers!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Build: Glass House

Hello. Welcome to the second build! Two notes, first of all, important thing to remember about this, it doubles as the Keaton house tour and my second build. Second, if you wish to view the pictures in a larger size, just click on it, and click the 'X' in the upper right hand corner if you wish to go back to the post. And enjoy!

 This looks interesting...

Build: Quaint Cottage

Welcome to the tour of my first real build! It is a place called Quaint Cottage, even though it a’int the tiniest bit quaint, it’s BIG! Well, if I have sparked your interest, READ ON!!! :D:D:D


Friday, November 25, 2011

The Donner Legacy: Generation 1: Chapter 1

Hullo and welcome to the premier of the Donner Legacy! I really wanted to start a legacy, but we are starting in the middle of a generation because I couldn't be bothered to start fresh and to start another game.

Also, a note to the viewers, I will probably very often use cheats. I will try not to, but sometimes it just gets unbearable when you have three screaming toddlers in the house with another screaming baby. So yah...

And sorry for any walls down pictures you see. :)

The Maid Who Threw Herself Into Her Work

Another day, another random, really funny picture. This one I got today while playing my Keaton file (check out their extensive family tree here! And I mean EXTENSIVE!!!). This is the kind of screen shot that I would be taking if I started a new legacy. Tell me what you think of the picture, and the screen shots in the comments.
She really throws herself into her work now, doesn't she?
Until next time, remember, comments are met with love. :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Screen Shot Fix (ish)

Hey people of the world.
So I recently found a fix to the screen shot problem. It's called taking screenshots of my computers screen! This is okay because instead of clicking many buttons for like, 7 minutes, I just have to press 3 buttons for 5 seconds! The downside is that you'll see all of my tags and the stats bar and the portraits. I'll think about starting short updates on the Keatons (whose house I LOVE) and if you want me to, I might start another Donner Legacy with one of Jacey's original 6 children. I just wouldn't move in any of the other children. That's what seemed to cause the glitches. If you want that to happen, just comment on the post HERE with the kid (Lacey, Macy, Tracy, Casey, Grant, Katie) and the town (Sunset Valley, Riverview, Twinbrook, Barnacle Bay) you want. :)
See y'all!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Oldie Ballerina

So, this is one of those random funny picture posts I told y'all about. I thought that these two's poses were incredibly funny, and I just had to take a photo. Here it is!
Abra and Allison (I think) playing the ballerina and her audience on a grave of flowers. :)
Pretty funny, huh? See y'all next time!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Question About the Donners

So, I had uploaded all of Jacey's kids with Billy to the exchange, then downloaded them to my new game. Now the choice is yours. Should I work through my screen-shot glitch and continue with one of Jacey's first 6 kids? Or should I just start a new one when the glitch is fixed? Comment to vote!


Friday, November 4, 2011

Keaton Tree

So, I just posted the link to the Keaton family tree, starting with Justine and Marty Keaton in Sunset Valley. The link can be found on the new Families and Trees page. The Donner Archive page will stay the same, but it may be a while before any of the supposed links work, because I have to re-do all of the chapters.
EDIT: Actually, I decided that I'm going to move all of the Donner stuff to the Families and Trees page. It's simpler for me.
Update: The link is no longer up. Don't bother looking for it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Hey folks,
sorry I took this off the net. I was freaking out at a moment in time. I (stupidly) deleted my blog posts, but I have all the pictures and the stories on my laptop. I'll get around to posting those as soon as possible. If I see anything funny, I'll take a pic and post it with comments. But other than that and an occasional story, You won't be seeing much from me. Though I will be posting family trees to my site via Family Echo. So you can keep up with my games that way. So yeah.