Hello, again! So, last time, Jedidiah got married to Daisy and she moved in. Daisy doesn't like children, but she still got pregnant. Jedidiah looked to adopt a kitten. Danny painted. I'm not sure what Macy did.
Oh, by the way, Daisy is about to have their first child.
Are you guys ready to have your baby??
Jedidiah: Someday, we'll attend his graduation! *sniffle*
Daisy: Come on. Shut up and get me inside. Or else this kid will end up on the pavement!
Daisy saw herself in. Jedi didn't even follow. However, before long, Daisy came out holding this bundle of cute! Meet Darcy Donner, Artistic and Brave. He is the first kid of gen 4 (3?) !
Daisy: I hate being around you. You make me feel very upset. But you are really nice to snuggle with.
We will convert her yet.
Macy: Hello, Franny (??). Good evening.
Franny: How about that weather?
Macy: Very mild. May I come in?
I guess Macy does do something.
Jedidiah: Hello there, my son! Darcy. Darcy Darcy. I love youuuuuuu. Awwwww.
Daisy: #?%@ing toilet. Who do you think you are, clogging on me.
Some things will never change.
Jedidiah: Isn't our son so cute?
Daisy: Eh. He could be worse. Do you want another?
Daisy: I guess it's my turn. Yuck. Smelly!
You volunteered yourself. I thought you didn't like kids?
Daisy: This one is tolerable, most of the time. But not while you stink of poo!
Daisy: Upsee-daisy! Look, Darcy, you can fly!
Jedidiah: Damn toilet. What did my wife do to you this time?
Jedidiah: *Very unamused face* Swim, stop being a cheap ass and buy us a good toilet.
Not yet. We are going to run out of rooms when Darcy grows up. We're saving for a second floor.
Daisy: Bleeeeuuuuuuuughhhhhhhatleastitscleanthistimebarf.
Oh, no, Daisy! Jedidiah just fixed and cleaned that.
Jedidiah: Hello, Mark (?). I see that you're here for a little game with my wife.
Mark: Yes. Thank you for inviting me in. Daisy will be glad to see me.
Wow. That conversation was entirely too suggestive.
Jedidiah: Hello, Darcy! Are you ready to be fed this yummy green milk?
Darcy: Yayyyyyy! (Yay! Food!)
Daisy: So, I'm married. And have a kid. And he just won't eat the white milk. It needs to be green.
Mark: Hm. How did you see that last move?
Daisy won. Easily.
Danny: Macy is going to kill me. JEDIDIAH.
Daisy: I think I heard Darcy crying. I should check on him.
Daisy: You were sitting in your own poo! No little boys should do that!
I think you don't hate kids as much as you say you do.
Daisy: You can't prove anything.
Danny: Thanks for having my back, Jedi. Being in that box with you mother angry is worse than being steamed like a lobster.
Jedidiah: Dad, you owe me. And currently, in this house, that means you have the graveyard baby duty shift.
Daisy: Hello, Darcy. Aren't you the cutest thing ever!
Uh, Daisy, I thought you didn't like kids?
Daisy: I um.... I don't. I was just shaking him, checking for candy.
Mark: Daisy, you should be with me! And to prove it, here are some scarily purple flowers!
Daisy: Errrrr I don't think so (creep). I'm married. With a child. I told you earlier? In fact, my son is right behind us.
Later that night.....
Daisy: Ah! Another little bugger. It's going to be so cute. :)
I think motherhood has changed her to some extent.
Danny: Hello, family! I hope this will get through the phone tree. Uh... I'm tired of having the graveyard shift in the nursery, so we're aging up Darcy. Today. 5 o'clock. THERE WILL BE CAKE.
Macy: Shit. The family will be here in a couple hours and this house is a pig sty! Actually, it's worse. It's the wreckage of a 10,000 year old land fill!
In preparation, I allowed Macy to go on a cleaning crusade. I must say, she has her work cut out for her. I mean, half the house is flooded every day.
Jedidiah: Hey, Swim! Like my new painting? I think it's my most inspired yet. :)
The aliens don't look real. Actually, what am I saying? Aliens don't exist. And that painting sort of stinks.
That being said, I liked it enough to keep it. And it looked perfect over the book shelf.
Jam time!
And then the people start arriving. First up? Jennie and two people I didn't invite. >:( On top of that, I think the first one is a vampire.
"Steve": I might as well serve myself with the lobster. We all know I'm delicious.
Instantly, I sort of regretted it. But it's nice seeing everybody. I just wish that they would have children!
"Roger": Yeah! You go, Danny! Love Waters! I'm Waters AF!
If you can't tell, I recently saw them in concert. I have a pin that says "I'm Water AF". And I totally am.
Jess: Brilliant. Lightbulbs. All I need to complete my plan.
Reggie: Music. That's the way to expand my fan base. Honey, I need to become a pop artist who has a very loyal, zealous fan base. I need to become Taylor Swift.
Jeri: You've been working on this, Jeri. Just weather it. He'll calm down soon.
Jedidiah: Coming through with the birthday boy! Everyone, this is Darcy, my firstborn son.
"Roger": This party sucks. I'm outta here.
"Steve": That pregnant lady has green odour emanating from her boobs. She's really attractive.
Jedidiah: Are you ready? I lit the candle. These things burn really quickly, so let's hurry up!
Reggie: Bro, it's so great to see you happy. I miss you, dude.
"Rick": That young man is very pretty.
Somebody needs to calm her down.
Jedidiah: Are you ready, Darce? Here we go! Sheeewwwwwwwww.
"Steve": That lady is married to this- this toothpick here! I'm so much more of a man than he is. He's wearing flip flops for God's sake!
Danny, Macy and Daisy: Yeeeeeeeeee go Darcy!
Jess: And then, once he is a master con man, we can make lots of money together!
"Steve": That lady is crazy.
Jedidiah: Little do they realise that I'm, in fact, back here. You'd think they could tell.
This is why I don't like parties. Everything lags and nothing gets done. I made an exception this time because I've been meaning to invite over the family for ages.
Wait wait wait wait. Daisy, where are you taking Darcy??
Daisy: I'm putting him in his crib. It's dark outside.
Yeah I know. But he still has to age up!
Daisy: If he hasn't yet, he won't.
Jeri: That was a great party! But it's pretty late, so I have to go. Thanks for having me over!
Of course. I miss you!
Jennie: Bro, you're not gonna beat me. I'm ranked.
Jedidiah: If I just concentrate hard enough, I can do anything. *STARE*
The next two siblings left, both very happy about the party.
Jess: I'm not happy about the party, I'm quickly sneaking off because the party gave me the opportunity to finalise my plot!
Reggie: Suck a great party. But I refuse to acknowledge that woman up there is related to me.
Jennie: That was a good party, Swimingli. I was happy to see Jedi again.
I was super happy to see you again, too. Thanks for coming.
The game told me that all of the guests were disappointed with the party because Darcy didn't age up. All I can say is that it wasn't for a lack of trying. I blew out the freaking candle!
Darcy: (I'm still in my useless form. When shall I be able to move under my own power?)
Danny: So, do you like music? If you do, we should talk about it some time. I could even learn your favourite songs.
Daisy: That's nice of you. It's true, I do like music. Especially Katy Perry.
Danny: .... I want to say no. But we don't know each other as well as I'd like. So... Fine. I can make that happen.
Try number two! Daisy is having a go this time.
Jedidiah: That's my baby boy!
Daisy: Sheewwwww.
Darcy: (Oh, God. The woman is smothering me!)
Darcy: (Did I turn into a girl??)
I think he needs a make over. Something that says something more like, "I'm my father's son." I don't think that can be managed without blond hair, though.
That's better! This is the grown up Darcy. He has his mother's eyes, and some other person's hair. It could be Daisy's, but I think it might be too brown.
Danny: All those people yesterday brought us that nice food. But that means that there are more dirty plates.
Macy: I just cleaned this house. Jedidiah, don't you dare make it so that I need to clean some more.
Jedidiah: (Maybe, if I say quiet, she'll lose interest....)
Darcy: Hewwwo Ken! (Geez, his head is put on there!)
Alas, the first child to try to decapitate that particular Ken. These are the memories that we're going to look back on, some day.
Darcy: Daddy!
Jedidiah: Hello, buddy! How are you? You ready to learn some skills?
Darcy: Skills?
Jedidiah: Say chair, Darce! It'll be important for when you go to school.
Darcy: Chair chair chair! What's 'shool', Daddy?
I just realised that Daisy came with this nice car. §36000. If I need to, I can certainly sell it to fund a house. But for right now, it's parked out front.
That's the car they drove to the hospital in.
Macy: Hello, January! You out to write more letters. The USPS is going out of business. If you write letters, I'll write letters!
January: Mum, stop writing me letters. I already get three a day. Just from you.
I invited the youngest of Macy's children to try and get her to reconnect with everyone. You know. Just in case you cared enough to wonder.
Danny: Say cookbook! It'll be important when you want to cook for you family. But that's far in the future. You have to at least be 19. No, WAIT. 25. You have to be old enough to be able to rent a car.
Darcy: Cookbook! Cook? Family. Can I cook tonight??
I'm saying you have to at least be able to see the top of the counter before I trust you with the kitchen.
Daisy: Jedidiah. GET IN HERE. The baby's coming!
Jedidiah: WOAH. I'll see you soon, bud. But right now your Mum needs me.
Daisy: I can't believe that you made us take a cab. I can easily drive.
Jedidiah: We talked about this. Crashing into a house once is enough.
Danny: Hey, Darcy. I heard you crying. Do you miss your dad?
Darcy: Huh?
Danny: I'm your dad's dad. Your grandpapi.
So, you guys probably hate me. Whenever my sims go into the hospital, I always cut away to completely unrelated and relatively unimportant scenes. But really, this is all I would be showing you.
At least until these four came out! Yes, that's right. FOUR. Daisy and Jedidiah had twins! Daisy has Fredrick Donner, Excitable and a Heavy Sleeper, in the stroller. Jedidiah is carrying Enna, Absent Minded and Grumpy.
Daisy: Kill me now. Three. THREE OF THEM. I didn't sign up for this.
But I did. And they're going to be so cute!
Jedidiah: Three. *sigh* Three beautiful children. Do you know what that means?
Jedidiah: Three times the memories! WOOHOO.
Jedidiah: Good night, Darce. I'm sorry I left earlier. We had to go get your new brother and sister.
Darcy: Bruddah and sistah? Daddy, I dunno what you mean!
Danny: Son! Help, please.
Jedidiah: Ugh. I'll get it after breakfast, Dad.
Danny: Thanks! I'm exhausted. I'm tired of the graveyard shift.
Jedidah: Good morning, Fredrick! How are you doing today?
Macy: When the hell did we get two new ones?
Last night.
Macy: My son is a rabbit.....
You broke the other sink? Macy's going to kill you. Now she can't clean the dishes.
Daisy: I can blame it on the waffles, yeah?
Macy: Swim, that's enough. Stop being a cheap ass and buy us new plumbing. This is beyond ridiculous.
What's ridiculous is that you're mopping while the sink is still spewing out water. You're going to lose.
Macy: I never lose.
Daisy: Oh, Adrian, why did you go off with Katia when you know that Izabelle is so right for you? Wait, wait, Henry, no! Stop hitting on Katia, she's with Adrian. NO. Don't do that!
Why, exactly, are you reading a romance novel in your in-laws' bed? Right next to one of them?
Danny: Damn, composers. *snore* Gimme the score.
Daisy: Because I'm afraid that if I stay in my bed, I'll find out we have six more children tomorrow.
Don't worry. We only have one spot in the house left.
Jennie was the next family to come over. This is mainly because she was the next ranked chess opponent for Daisy.
Jennie: So, are you treating my brother alright? If you aren't, I will end you.
Daisy: I think you already did. How did you win without my seeing it.
Jennie: With ease.
Darcy: Yayyy~! Food that isn't green.
I think it's important every once in a while to treat yourself to something sweet and overindulge a bit. This is your most recent toddler fix. Hopefully, we'll soon have three times as much toddler fun!
Macy: Oh, God, it's crying. Make it stop. Please please please.
How did you raise five children without getting them taken away by social services?
Macy: It's still wailing. Did I break it. Jedidiah's going to kill me.
Jedidiah: I'm going to kill Dad. He needs to stop breaking these things.
Your mom think she broke Enna. You might want to get in there before anything happens.
Jedidiah: Oh, my God. This family! It's like I have to do everything. Fix this, I broke that, help your mother with a baby?? She raised me!
Jennie: You're toilet's clogged. Do you remember how ours was always clogged back in the old place?
Jedidiah: This is actually one of the same toilets. Swim is just unbelievably cheap.
That's what I call quality family time—talking about toilets with your sister. Exactly.
Anyway, this is all I have for you so far. I have a break for the next eleven days, so hopefully I'll get at least one more chapter out this month. We're finally getting somewhere with this legacy. I'm very excited for the future. However, I also really miss all of the spares. I might do the spares thing, too. I think it'll be fun for everyone. I want to see how everyone's kids will turn out.
I really appreciate everyone who takes a moment to read even a word or look at a picture. Please at least say 'Hi'. I would love to know if you're here.
If you liked this chapter, please comment below or on the forums.
Thanks, Swim.
Loved the new chapter, lots and lots of kiddies!! Daisy seems to be adjusting well... She'll be happy she has them when she's old and needs someone else to pay the bills xP Lol at Marcy breaking Enna and it was lovely to see all the spares back!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have nice break and I'll look forward to more chapters when you return!! :D
So many kids, all at once. Well, not as many as your legacy. And I'm not sure exactly how the trait works. I mean, she likes the kids, but she gets this moodlet. At this point, I'm convinced that some day, she'll be a super mom.
DeleteThanks for commenting! Swim.