Map to the Maze

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Donner Legacy: Generation 3: Chapter 7

Hello and welcome back! Hopefully, it hasn't been too long this time. Since it has been a holiday weekend and since I have a big project due on Monday, I thought that now was a great time to keep putting out chapters! I hope you enjoy.
But don't you have a project to do?

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Donner Legacy: Generation 3: Chapter 6

Okay! So back with the second chapter of the chapter burst that I promised y'all like, several months ago. Sorry it took this long. A lot has happened. I got a job, I went to university, I died a little bit from all the work... I haven't played the Sims 3 since July, probably. Sorry.
Being swamped with stuff irl doesn't f***ing count!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Donner Legacy: Generation 3: Chapter 5

Hello and welcome back! It's been a couple of busy (ish) months since I last updated the Donners. Well, I have two chapters for you this time! Lots of stuff happens, even some genuinely interesting events. And quite a few birthdays. I hope you enjoy!
Could you come up with a more unrelated cover?

I'm baaaaaaaack!

Ha. Ha. Ha.

So it's been slightly longer than beginning of June/beginning of July.
However, I have gone through all of the screen shots I took ages ago and now I just have to edit some stuff, write a bunch of words, then click a button and the next chapter will be up soon.
However, the wait was not in vain! For I brought a ton of pretty pictures back from my adventures around the existing world (sometimes delving into the ethereal). So here are some of them to tide you over! Swim.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Half of an Excuse?

Why, hello. *cheeky salute* How are you? Good? Hm.... I'm glad to absorb that through the WiFi!
So, in case you haven't noticed, the Donners sort of... Not died, not disappeared. Those words are too close to what actually happened for like, three years. But they stopped coming out.... It's been like, a month since last update.
And there's a reason for that!
(Read: Please don't hunt me down with pitchforks.)
You see, I'm currently in the last three or so weeks of my high school career. So it's that weird time where I have no motivation and no ability to work, but all the work in the world to do. So I'm struggling to keep my shit together.
It's not going too well.
So, until I'm officially out and have turned everything in, I'm putting a hold on Donners.
But fear not! I have pictures for another chapter or two of the main legacy, then I started taking pictures for Reggie's update. So there is much in store. *twiddles thumbs evilly*
So, I should be back up second week in June? Maybe? If not, probably in July.
Until then, have a lovely life. Swim.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Build: White Picket Fence

Hello, all! I've been posting a lot of Donners recently, but I built this house a few months ago and I'm super proud of it. I wanted to share it with you all. Hopefully it will inspire you! I have two alternate versions of this house, so the basic one will be shown first, then the more "decked out" alternate one will be shown. I haven't currently uploaded anything to the internet since I'm not sure if the old exchange is open? I should probably check out Mediafire one of these days.... If you want to see a bigger copy, just click on the picture.
Well, enjoy!
The name is very unoriginal.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Donner Legacy: Generation 3: Chapter 4

Hello, again! So, last time, Jedidiah got married to Daisy and she moved in. Daisy doesn't like children, but she still got pregnant. Jedidiah looked to adopt a kitten. Danny painted. I'm not sure what Macy did.
Oh, by the way, Daisy is about to have their first child.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Donner Legacy: Generation 3: Chapter 3

Hello and welcome back! As I said, it's still April. So..... Yay! I'm not completely behind! Or at least on this legacy. Now, school? I'm hard core procrastinating. But I'm excited for this chapter because it marks the first chapter where Jedidiah is the main character. I think you guys are going to be happy with it. :) I just really love it because the new house is so much easier!
Well, tbh, the old one sucked.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Donner Legacy: Generation 3: Chapter 2

Hello! Thanks for reading yet another chapter of the Donners. It looks like I'm getting these out at a nice pace! I mean, this is the fifth this year! Anyway, this is the last chapter before Jedidiah can really start his generation. I hope you're as excited as I am!
You seem pretty damn excited.

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Donner Legacy: Generation 3: Chapter 1

Welcome back to the Donner Legacy! Newly on generation 3!!! Who actually thought we would get here. I certainly didn't. But you know, now I'm back into it so hopefully, we'll get these out a couple per year! (Don't hold me to this. Note my use of the word 'hopefully.')
But continue on reading! This chapter and the next will be short, mainly just cleaning up the family's affairs in order to get it ready for when Daisy moves in. :)
Since Jedidiah won the heir poll, this will be his generation.
Well, at least it isn't three years later.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


AND HERE WE ARE!!! The generation 2 heir vote. Heaven knows this have been long enough in coming. If you want to see any picture closer up, just click on them! Don't forget to vote!
 Reggie Donner: First born, twin of Jedidiah. His romantic interest is Jeri Forte.
 Jedidiah Donner: Second born, younger twin of Reggie. His romantic interest is Daisy Annan.
 Jennie Donner: Third born, oldest of the triplets! Her romantic interest is Shonna Webber. Her LTW is Vocal Legend.
 Jess Donner: Fourth born, middle triplet. Her boyfriend is Dwayne Coastal. Her LTW is Emperor of Evil.
January: The youngest of the Donners, and the youngest triplet. She has no romantic interest though I hope to snag the nameless young mad at the birthday party (see chapter 9). She has no LTW currently.

Don't forget to vote for your favourite here, on the forum!
It will be open until Sunday at midnight pacific standard time.
Thank you so so so much! Swim.

The Donner Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 9

Hello! Welcome back! Hopefully you haven't been too upset with me for not updating as quickly as I promised.... At least this time I'm only a couple weeks behind instead of several year! (Like that makes any difference.) Anyway, we're here with the last chapter of generation two! At the end of this page, you can go to the Donner forum and comment there about who you want the heir to be! (Yay! Finally!)
I'm slightly too excited about this....
 Wow! Jess is like a chameleon!

The Donner Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 8

Hey! Back again! And not too long after last time. Score 1 for me! Now that's like.... 1 for Swim, 99 billion million gazillion for Life. Damn. I just can't win. Note about this chapter, Jess and January will be missing their hair for half to most of it because this was back when I first started playing again. They reappear though! Sorry if it makes you annoyed.
So the garden isn't dead yet.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Donner Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 7

I have to admit, this is slightly embarrassing. It's been almost three years since I last posted a chapter of Donners. However, good news! I have all of the pictures until the heir vote. It's broken up into this chapter, and then two others. It covers a lot of material! This first chapter has been sitting on my desktop for about two years or something. Whoops.....
Anyway, hopefully it's worth it. :)
It probably isn't.