Map to the Maze

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Donner Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 2

Hello! Sorry for the long wait there, but I'm back! This chapter, we have a heck of a lot of birthdays, and many many red plumbobs. Are you ready for some mayhem??

 Okay! So last time we visited the Donners, we celebrated the births of January,
And Jennie! Aren't they all so cute?
 Afterwards, Macy was exhausted so she retired to bed with her husband.
 In the morning, they woke up to this.
 Then to this.
 All day, Macy was running around ignoring her own needs for those of her children. At 1.30, she was ready to drop.
Macy: Oh God, I can't do this anymore!
Danny: *Whistle* Today is a good day! :)
Get ready to help your wife...
 Immediately, Danny set to work, teaching Jeddie his skills.
Jeddie: I's stwill not comfort wif dis.
 Macy sat down to a well earned bowl of charcoal, ready to drop dead.
Macy: You try staying up all day and running after 5 babies, starving all the while after four hours of sleep and tell me how you do. Okay?
 Danny: *Creepy Smile*
 Then it was Macy's adult birthday.
 Without much fanfare, she sparkled,
 and posed.
Macy: I still look smokin'!
 Okay, I just had to do this for old times sake. She reminds me a lot of her mother, except she doesn't have Jacey's eyes.
 Then, I settled on something a little more motherly. Everytime I see this hairstyle, I get really sad for obvious reasons if anyone has been following The Ink Legacy. Also, her hair is now darker and I took out the purple highlights and just left the tips. :)
 I just realized that I had overseen a very important item in the house. It was corrected immediately. :)
 Danny fed the twins, and they were practicing their synchronized eating, at one in the morning.
 Danny, what are you doing?
Danny: Going to sleep. Why?
Are you just going to leave your children trapped there all night?
 See? Red plumbob.
 Danny: I'm awake!
First casualty of war....
 But no time to sleep! Today was all of the kids birthdays! Start the montage! Up top is Jeddie, all grown up.
 Then came Reggie.
Reggie: Shew!
Reggie: Woah, my feet are glowing....
 Next was January,
 and Jess.
 When Macy was brining Jennie up to the cake, she had some problems....
 But she ended up all right.
 This is Jeddie. The trait of artistic added to brave and genius. He has his grandmother's (Jacey) hair and his mother's eye color and shape.
 This is Reggie, who I finally realized is identical to his twin. He added the trait slob to brave and genius.
 This is Jennie. Her traits are absent minded and genius. She has her father's hair color and mother's eye color. I'm not quite sure about eye shape.
 This is Jess. Her traits are genius and loner. She has her mother's hair and father's eye color and shape.
 Last but not least, this is January. Her traits are artistic and genius. She has her mother's eye color and shape and hair color.
 After all the partying was over, the twins were really tired so I fixed up a bedroom for them. The bed on the right is Reggie's and the one on the left is Jeddie's.
Thank you for reading this legacy. I will try and post another chapter soon, the same with Days of Darking. No guarantees though.  Please comment! Also, comment to say if you think if Macy and Danny should have another child. If no one comments, I'll assume that no one wants them to have another pregnancy. Thanks again! :)


  1. Awesome legacy! I personally think that the five cutie pies Danny and Macy currently have are fine. I mean, they're so adorable!!!! :)

  2. Hey, thanks for the feed back! I'll take your view into account. If anyone else would like to comment..... That would be awesome!

  3. Attention to all: This commenting poll is closed. Macy and Danny Will not be having another child.
