Map to the Maze

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Donner Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 6

Hah! Yes! Another chapter! These pictures have been sitting on my desktop for ages. This one is just a short chapter. I finally figured out my screen shot problem and am planning on switching the family to that version of the game.
Which also includes transferring their save file.
And all the EA hair and outfits.
And all the CC hair.
Enjoy. :)
Where the hell have you been??

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Hi, if you checked your news feed or something and you saw the first chapter to the Bennett legacy from me, please don't read it. I have actually haven't even started playing a game file for it. I plan to though. I am also sorry for not posting for ages. I'm battling with my game to get a new chapter of Donners worked on. It's difficult for many reasons. So, I'll work on that. Have a nice life until next time!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pond Training

In one of my games, I had my sim potty train his son. I looked over and couldn't find him. Then I rotated the camera. Found him. :-)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wooded Retreat

Hi! Back again! I built this house and I thought it turned out well enough to share with the world! Because I really like it.... Enjoy!

Days of Darking: A 100 Baby Challenge: 8

This is the last Days of Darking chapter. Unless I bring it back from the dead. This one is more like their everyday life. It's only three pictures. Sorry!
After waking up, Eclipse decided to use her free time to teach Adam to walk. When she had finished, both Adam and Eclipse were exhausted, so they both went to sleep.
Adam, all adorable in his crib. :) <3
Eclipse dreaming about painting. She hasn't been able to do much about that....

And that's the end. If you want to try and convince me to continue it, comment below. I'm open to arguments. But if I do come back, it will only be updated once a month if that unless I really feel up to doing it. Sorry. Have a nice day.

Days of Darking: A 100 Baby Challenge: 7

Welcome back once again, I hope you're enjoying your day. This is the second to last chapter of Darking you'll get unless you convince me otherwise or unless I bring it back from the dead once again. Well, click below if you want to to continue reading! :)

Willow Jespser

Hi! I'm not dead, don't worry. I also haven't forgotten about y'all. I finally got to playing sims the past few nights, first thing I did, create a new sim. I usually just use some really pretty sims that I have saved as my 'new' sims, but I decided it was time for a change. And so came Willow Jesper to life. Click that little button if you wish to learn more about her!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

To let you know....

Okay, I really didn't want to have to say this. However, I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to post something new. I've been pretty swamped lately and haven't even opened my game in weeks. I'll try my best to get something up soon ish, but no guarantees.

Also, thanks to everyone who views my page! It means a lot to me that people keep viewing and tell your friends! You make it worth the work! :)


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Meet Ari!

Okay, so, seeing how cutely Jennie and her sisters were turning out, I decided to play around with Danny and Macy's genetics in create a sim. And now, here is Ari! She is their genetical daughter, and she is stunning! I got lucky with the genes this generation :)
 Isn't she beautiful?
I like her profile. Nice nose. :)

If you want her uploaded, just comment and I'll be happy to oblige.

The Donner Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 5

Hi everyone!!!! Welcome back! This time, I've got a longer chapter for you. Hope you enjoy it! Some notes are at the end... Please try and take the time to respond if you know anything that will help... Thanks!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Coming soon!

Ok, so, since I haven't posted anything in a while, I've decided to put up a couple of pictures of things to come. :)
We get to see these cuties again!
And we get to see who this lovely lady is!
And maybe we'll a meet new founder??

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I don't think that's what's supposed to happen.

Another day, simming away. I move my family to a new house, right? So like, I was all like AAH! NEW HOUSE! Then all of my sims disappeared. (They just apparated to other locations.) But I looked closer, and I saw the below. And I was like, That is not the way to hold your children! And I was laughing at is. So maybe you will too. Let me know if you did by commenting or doing the little boxes on the bottom! Grazie!

Besides floating in the air, she's upside down. Brilliant. Just brilliant.

Why yes, I did indeed pose this picture. It's just too funny. Out of proportion baby!

Oh! Kitteh!

So, I just have to say, I did not know that cats could do this... I was just playing my game la di da and then, all of a sudden, MUMBLES THE CAT IS SLEEPING ADORABLY ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER!!! So I just had to snap a picture to show you guys. :)

I generally think that cats look adorable in this position. Too cute! <3

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Days of Darking: A 100 Baby Challenge: 6

So, I've been trying to play a bunch in my game, hopefully, this will produce many Darking chapters. This 100 baby challenge stuff is fun. :) Of course, this is before I have millions of tiny, screaming bundles of blankets around...

Days of Darking: A 100 Baby Challenge: 5

So, I am going to try this again. I'm not sure how often I will update it. So.... Yeah. A quick couple of notes: I moved Eclipse to Barnacle Bay, and she doesn't seem to be pregnant, so Connor Frio is not the second father. Sorry!

Show me your moves, while singing.

So, I've just been fully trying out the new Showtime EP with my sim. She is in the singing career, and I was watching her sing. And it was like, dude, she looks so weird! And so, I had to take a picture and share it with you, my adoring fandom. Enjoy. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

As one life ends, another begins

So, I had thrown a party! With a bunch of the family's relatives. And then, in the middle of the party, the great-grandfather in my family decided to kick the bucket. After Grim appeared, the dead guy's daughter started to go into labor. (I know. The age differences in my game are all screwed up. This guy is dying, his daughter is giving birth to her fourth child, and he already has 2 great-grandchildren?) I don't know why, but this struck me as funny. Also, everyone is mourning the dead guy except for one person who is hidden by a wall and is freaking out over the person giving birth. But it's all good. :P


Friday, April 6, 2012

The Donner Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 4

And we are back much much sooner than usual.... But, I had some time on my hands and such. I thought, Let's play the Donners! And you, my adoring audience, benefited from that brain wave. Enjoy!

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Donner Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 3

Hey y'all! Welcome back! Sorry I took so long, but there are so many reasons that this post was delayed. The most important will be explained right off, if you will just click on the link below. Others include but are not limited to: me being way to busy, me being way too lazy, me having limited simming time, and also, the fact that there are not 48 hours in a day and I cannot stay up for more than 18 hours at a time without going mad. Continue on and get this dose of the Donners! It might be your last with the brilliant covers I am able to make in Picnik. It's closing! D:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Back in Business!

I'm so glad to finally tell you all this!
The Donners are back! Woot!
I finally just went and created a new save file for them. It was getting too bothersome to try and play their old file anymore. The whole story will be in the next chapter WHICH WILL HOPEFULLY COME OUT THIS WEEKEND! :D
See y'all back here soon!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Another Small Problem...

Okay, so, I have been trying to play the Donner save. It's still freezing. It's a bit better, but it still freezes. It lets me spend 5 hours building a house, but not let me spend 15 minutes playing my legacy file. Not cool. I'll  still work on getting it to work. So bear with me! :D

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Build: Dream of Symmetry

Hi! So, I'm not dead. I was just terribly busy. But I'm back! And I'm here with a brand new build! I'm pretty happy with it. So, view the tour, read the requirements, and be happy!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tiny Little Poll Up There.

Hi. So, I want to see how many readers I have, so when you visit the blog, just put one of the four answers and click vote. I appreciate the time and effort (so much time and effort) you put into taking this poll for me. Have a nice life!


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Announcements and Cool Links

Hey! So thanks to the freaking out of my silly game, I have decided to discontinue Days of Darking. I never really had fun with it anyway. However, since I enjoy Donner, I shall keep that going. My other two personal games as well as the two mentioned before will be uploaded to the exchange. If you want to use any of them in a story, all you need to do is ask/let me know! :) If you like them, recommend!


Donner Family
Eclipse and Adam Darking
Keaton Family
Wren and Many Pets

Eclipse Darking
Solstice Skie
Anita Keaton Really pretty townie. (Sorry it took so long)
Darkin Star. Pretty awesome skill set and hair colour.
Casey Snow

Pretty Awesome Keaton House
Epic Awesome House (Requires Pets EP. Like, legit.)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Some Delays...

Hey all,
So I haven't been posting any chapters lately because:
1. I've been extremely busy
2. My game is spazzing out. Like legit, about every 5 minutes real time, it will freeze and not come unstuck. I cannot do anything about it though I wish I could. I will keep working on it and hopefully it will be straightened out soon.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Days of Darking: A 100 Baby Challenge: 4

Oh hai. Incase you didn't notice, I remade the Darking page. Also, little announcement about the new structure of these posts. I find that the structure of Amberwaves baby challenge is best. So I'm going to try and emulate that. Also, my game is freezing too much to manage longer chapters. :( Enjoy.

New Set Up

Okay, so for those of you who notice changes and visit my very humble blog, I have given a page to each the Donner Legacy and Days of Darking. I have also removed the family tree of the Keatons. If you so wish, just comment on this post and tell me whether or not you enjoyed exploring it and I'll put it back up again. Who knows. Well, hope you enjoy the new set up. Please comment. I enjoy comments. Make me feel less like I'm just taking a bunch of time out of my limited free time to type to the empty world. Just say hi! :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Days of Darking: A 100 Baby Challenge: 3

And finally we're back! Sorry for the long wait, but here is the first birth of this challenge! Enjoy. :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Donner Legacy: Generation 2: Chapter 2

Hello! Sorry for the long wait there, but I'm back! This chapter, we have a heck of a lot of birthdays, and many many red plumbobs. Are you ready for some mayhem??

Sunny Days

Hi! I'm soooo sorry for not getting stuff up! I have been really busy/tired/had no motivation to do anything. So, I'll be working on Donners today and will hopefully have it up this coming week.
But in the meantime, here is another picture! This is from a game where I'm trying to get my sim to master every single skill. And I thought this was just really pretty. :)
Yes, her hair is indeed pink.