Map to the Maze

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Donner Legacy: Generation 3: Chapter 3

Hello and welcome back! As I said, it's still April. So..... Yay! I'm not completely behind! Or at least on this legacy. Now, school? I'm hard core procrastinating. But I'm excited for this chapter because it marks the first chapter where Jedidiah is the main character. I think you guys are going to be happy with it. :) I just really love it because the new house is so much easier!
Well, tbh, the old one sucked.

 So when we last left off, I had just built a new house and Danny and Macy had just finished seeing "Sharks ... On Land!"
Danny: Ooh! It's one of my daughters! That one is Jennie, right? I just have so many daughters....
Jennie: Oh, Mother! How are you?
 Macy: Hello, dear. Wait, is that Jess right behind you?
Jess: Hi, Dad, Mum. I didn't just watch some crazy vampire romance titled "Love at First Bite"... Nope.
 Danny: Reggie?? What are you doing here?
Reggie: Sorry, Dad. Can't talk. Gotta catch "I'm a Carrot".
Macy: So, apparently it's a family reunion at the theatre. Even though you just moved out today.
Jennie: It's sort of horrible. I don't know how to do laundry. How does one separate the colours from the whites??
 Danny was getting tired and hungry so I sent him home.
Danny: Wait, are you sure that the cabby dropped me at the right address? This looks nothing like my house.
I redid it! I think it's pretty great. It's not as dreary or cramped. Except for your room. It's sort of like a prison.
 Danny: Hm..... Nice, open spaces. Sectional, easels, off centre painting, breakfast bar. It'll do.
 Danny: Yes! Food!
Don't eat that! See the green odor wafting up? That means it's spoiled.
Danny: But we just got this yesterday!
 Danny: And isn't this toilet new?? It's already broken!
Actually, to save money, I kept your old toilets and sinks. That must've been clogged from before.
Danny: Gross.
 Jedidiah: Hah! New place. Sweet. And we got a wider door.
I think it's gonna be more suited for your needs. You guys need a ridiculous amount of space to move around in. And only one person can go out a door at once, or up and down stairs.
 Macy: Stop complaining about our programming and HELP ME. My stupid pancakes are glowing!
And they have flies. They must be spoiled too?
 Jedidiah: Damn. So are mine. Swim, fix it!
Dude, calm down. It must be some glitch. Grab another, it must end at some point.
 Jedidiah: *choke* This is even worse!
At least it's not crispy!
 Danny: *snore* Why must the darn *gurgle* plates be so damn *snore* disgusting.
 So? How does it feel? Isn't this like, the first time ever that you're not going to sleep in some crappy little bed that you had to climb through a wall to get too?
Jedidiah: Ooooooooooh. That's heavenly. That feels so nice. I love you for the house.
 Danny: I'm going to call this one, "A Broken Up Study in Red, Not Scarlet".
I don't think that can fit anywhere. It's too long a name.
Danny: Shut up and leave me be.
 Danny: So, Daisy, do you want to come over today? I mean, I haven't seen you in a while and we were destined to be together by my god. ... Really? That's great! ... Okay, see you in 20 minutes!
 At first, it really bothered me and I was going to move it over. But now I think it's just an interesting quirk that will annoy the hell out of everyone, including me.
 Jedidiah: Hey, Daisy. Lovely seeing you again.
Daisy: I wonder if he has any lightbulbs. If so, I'm not sure what to do.
 Jedidiah: So, you look really pretty today. That hoodie really brings out the colour of your eyes.
They hadn't talked in so long that they were no longer romantic interests. Starting for the bottom.
Daisy: Thanks. My eyes are black, though.
 Daisy: You smell amazing.
 Jedidiah: And your hair is so soft. I'm glad you could make it today.
Daisy: I was hoping you would call.
 Jedidiah: I love this girl with the totality of my being.
 Jedidiah: So, um, Daisy.
Daisy: Yes, Jedi?
Jedidiah: I've been wondering this since prom, but then there wasn't really a good time to ask. So, will you be my girlfriend.
Daisy: If you hadn't asked me, I would've asked you!
 Jedidiah: Oh, that's a good sign! Just hold on a minute and think of that one BeyoncĂ© song with the singing and the Oh-Oh-Ohs.
Daisy: What are you babbling about?
 Jedidiah: Just let me get through this, I'm really nervous.
Daisy: Dude, I still have no idea what's going on.
Don't worry. I stuck and pretty little ring in the invisible holding space right behind Jedi's butt. :)
 Jedidiah: Oh, great, there it is. Yay for the invisible, impossible holding space right behind my butt!
Daisy: C'mon, Jedi. What do you have there?
 Jedidiah: Now, Daisy, I have no idea what this ring looks like, but I know it can never be as beautiful as you.
Daisy: Is that what I think it is?
 Daisy: Oh, my God. Oh, my GOD!
 Jedidiah: Daisy.
Daisy: OH MY GOD.
 Jedidiah: Will you marry me?
Jedidiah: That's three exclamation points. I take that as a yes?
 Daisy: Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!
Jedidiah: I love you and am so happy that we're getting married.
 Daisy: I will marry the hell out of your Jedidiah.
Not quite sure how that will work.
 Daisy: I first saw you across the gym at prom, and I could just hear "Enchanted" playing.
Jedidiah: It was playing.
 Daisy: Shhhh. That doesn't matter. All that matters now is that with this ring, we are bound together.
 Jedidiah: I was infinitely happy when you approached me and asked me to dance. I've always thought you were the most beautiful creature on the planet.
You were trying to ask her sister out for the longest time.
 Jedidiah: And no matter what Swimingli says, I knew we were meant to be together from the moment I saw you.
 Jedidiah, I don't think anyone's neck is supposed to bend like that. You should maybe get it looked at.
Jedidiah: Shut up. Too happy.
 Daisy: I love you, Jedidiah Wilson Donner.
Jedidiah: My middle name isn't Wilson. But we can sort that out later.
 Daisy's traits! Unfortunately, she dislikes children. But she'll just have to suck it up because pretty much, in this legacy, it's all she's going to be doing. You know, besides complaining about broken stuff and working towards her LTW.
 They are crazy adorable together. I'm happy about this. :)
 Jedidiah: So......
Daisy: Soo..... You have a nice bed?
 Jedidiah: Thanks. Would you like to see some more of it?
Daisy: Just show the way.
Uh...... Gross.
 I bet you all can guess what happened.
 Hey, Macy. How do you feel about your son getting married and working toward your first grandchild?
Macy: Right now, I'm trying to forget about that and not hear anything.
 Jedidiah: Why the hell is there not edible food in this house??? I'm starving.
 Jedidiah: Not a single freaking dish. I emptied out that fridge.
Out of 8 cakes and a plate of pancakes, every serving had glitched out and gone bad as soon as it was taken out of the refrigerator.
 Jedidiah: Wait. Swim, zoom up on me.
Jedidiah: I have an idea.
 Jedidiah: Stir stir stir mix mix mix making (bacon) pancakes.
 Daisy: Hi, Macy. I like your house. Which I guess is my new house.
Macy: I like it too. Too bad the walls are so thin.
 Jedidiah: So every single dish was stinky and green. So Swimingli just trashed it all and then I made bacon pancakes.
Daisy: +relationship
Macy: Son, this is mac and cheese.
Danny: "We got kicked out of the bar. I know, I know, sometimes I take things way too far. Can you blame me for just being alive?"
Apparently, Matt can play guitar.
Daisy: oooooooh I don't feel well. Let's swing around in circles and pretend I'm on a boat.
Daisy: Oh, wait. Shit. That just make it a ton worse.
Huh. I wonder why?
Daisy: Bleeeeeaaarrrgghhhhhhhhhhgoddamthistoiletisdisgustingbarf.
Jedidiah: Uh....... pluck pluck, move fingers...... E major chord? What the hell is an E major??
Father/son bonding by jamming together. I say success.
Danny and Jedidiah: "So it's gonna be forever, or it's gonna go down in flames. Can you tell me when it's over, hmmm, if the high was worth the pain. Got a long list of ex-lovers. They'll tell you I'm insane. But you know I love the players, and YOU LOVE THE GAME!"
Jedidiah really picked up those chords quickly. He's playing almost like a pro. Though I suspect that he is copying his father, rather badly.
Jedidiah: Why is it broken again?
You can thank your wife. She clogged it this morning.
Daisy: Oh, that's why I threw up. My body was trying to get rid of this horrid little child in my tummy!
Macy, why is it that you're reading in your child's bed?
It's comfier than mine and doesn't feel like I'm in prison.
You are aware of what went on in that bed?
Macy: Studiously.... ignoring you.
Danny: Ta-da! Finished "A Broken Up Study in Red, Not Scarlet"! Isn't it amazing?
I think it took far too long for what it is.
Danny: I only decided to have a faint under image about three-quarters of the way through.
Macy: Well, shit. I have a very bad feeling about this.
Macy: It's going to hit me, isn't it?
Me and my time control is the only thing that is keeping you safe. Now, I could "moveobjects on" you, but that would be cheating, wouldn't it?
I did take pity, and send Macy to relax (or sleep?) while Jedidiah and Daisy fixed up and cleaned the kitchen. It's the least I can do for forcing her to deal with me for so long.
Jedidiah: Love, this baby is going to be the most loved, most amazing child in the world. Especially since it has you as its mother.
Daisy: *through clenched teeth* You do know I dislike, children, yeah?
Jedidiah: Hello there, my child. Imma get you a thousand teddy bears. I will love you to the sky and back, and then for a couple hundred laps around the solar system.
Jedidiah: I can just picture it now! Your smile will brighten everyone's day. I can't wait for you to get here!
Daisy: You really love this child, don't you?
Jedidiah: Of course I do. It's my family.
Daisy: All that baby love is getting stuffy. My back aches something horrible.
Well, I'm letting you spend money at the spa.
Daisy: Thank, GOD.
Don't hit the cat! Or the person!
Daisy: I'm ready to relax!
So am I. O.O
My sims lead a very boring life.
Daisy: No, Jed, I really need you to understand. I don't like kids. They just eat ALL THE TIME.
Jedidiah: Nice move, that.
Jedidiah: But what about their blocks? They are just so cute and they can get so smart.
Jedidiah: And the shoes are the best things in the world. I love looking at the tiny little shoes!
Daisy: Check mate.
Jedidiah: Uh, wow. How did you do that so quickly?

The across the street neighbours had several kittens for adoption. I sent Jedidiah over to see if we could get one.
Jedidiah: Hi, little buddy. How are ya? Do you like that treat?

Ferdinand: Mrow.
Ferdinand: Meow?
Jedidiah: It's not smart to run across the road, especially when you're as tiny as a speck!
Maybe you should get out of the road.
Daisy: OOoooooo my tummy doesn't feel good. Is the baby coming?
Jedidiah: You're really cute, Ferdinand. Do you want to come home with me?
Dude, your wife is in labour. You might want to get over there.
Jedidiah: Labour?? I'm sorry Ferdinand. I gotta say good-bye.
Daisy: Finally! You're here! I almost left without you.
Jedidiah: I don't understand why you're driving. Isn't the pain causing you to not necessarily control your actions?
Daisy: I'm perfectly in controAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!
Jedidiah: What?? Daisy, get your foot off of the accelerator! STEER RIGHT. STEER RIGHT. WE'RE GONNA CRASH!

And there I leave you. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I do think that Daisy and Jedidiah are one of the cutest couples I've ever had. I have played further than this chapter, and the next chapter already has the pictures. You shouldn't have to wait too long to find out the result of this pregnancy. :)
Cheers, Swim.


  1. No!! A cliff hanger!!... But I want to see the first kiddie ^.^ It's a bit unfortunate how Daisy hates children lol but I think Jedidiah will love the litte girl or boy enough for the both of them <3 Ferdinand is adorable but oh he's so tiny!! I'd lose him in like ten minutes...

    Loved the chapter, super funny!!


    1. You will soon enough! Probably out this weekend. If not, early next week. And Jedidiah really loves kids. Anyway, if both of them freeze, we do have 2 baby experts in the house. ;) And I generally don't do pets because I can never remember to feed them! Or pet them. And either they die or I get really annoyed with them always going around, interrupting what I want my sims to do in order to sniff them.
      Thanks for reading as always!
