Hey! Back again! And not too long after last time. Score 1 for me! Now that's like.... 1 for Swim, 99 billion million gazillion for Life. Damn. I just can't win. Note about this chapter, Jess and January will be missing their hair for half to most of it because this was back when I first started playing again. They reappear though! Sorry if it makes you annoyed.
So the garden isn't dead yet.
Danny: I've been going to work for a while now, but this is the first time that Swimingli actually got her stuff together to take a picture of me! Isn't that nice?
Cabbie: Uh... Swimmingly? What's going swimmingly? You know what, never mind. Somethings are best left unknown.
Is this really the first time I'm taking a picture of you heading to work? Whoops.
Macy: Wow, that's beautiful. Best thing I've ever imagined, let alone painted. And look! IT MATCHES THE WALL PAPER! :D:D
This is one of my favourite paintings. So I'm keeping it. It's right next to the front door.
Sometimes, these people make no sense. I just pop in and they are saying the weirdest stuff.
Jennie: No. I don't think they have globes in CakeLand. But I'm certain that they have better cake than us.
I think I speak for all of us when I ask, what is CakeLand?
Jennie: I don't know. But doesn't it sound delicious?
Macy: Dirty dished. O_O
This seems to be her go-to face for when she needs to express her disgust with something.
And we have our first hairless triplet sighting.
Celeste: Geez, she smells disturbing!
January: Celeste, do you just follow me and my family around?
Maybe she's like those children who used to visit and would practically live with us.
I never realized until this chapter just how difficult it is to keep all of the motives happy. The kids are constantly in the red. They almost never finish their homework. I would like to say that I'm just out of practice, but maybe I'm just bad at it.
Along those lines, I had Jennie take a nap on her parents' bed because she has a sleeping bag....
Reggie: Jed, what's the derivative of cosine?
Jedidiah: I don't know. Just like I don't know why we're still at school.
I'm not sure anyone does. But as long as you're doing your homework.
Then this lady came up behind them.
Reggie: I'm so tired of people staring at me all day. I know I'm that pretty, but give it a rest, already.
Old Lady:
Jess: Okay. Chemistry is stupid. Why the hell would I ever need to know the common ions? My goal in life is to become Snape. And on top of that, my freaking hair is gone. WTF.
Every day of high school. Minus the hair part.... And I wanted to become more like Voldemort. ;) But Jess, don't worry. Just another week and a half or so. Then you can join your peers at the warehouse.
Reggie: Yo, Swim. Why do you make us eat cake?
Jennie: Acetate is C2H3O2-. Permanganate is MnO4-.....
Because you're broke from buying all of that cake. So you're going to have to eat it all before anything else.
On a side note, they have several hundred simoleons, but I'm aiming for a house remodel at the end of the generation. Sooo..... Let them eat cake!
January: Carbon's electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p2.
Sorry about all the chem, guys. I happen to tutor some people in chemistry and this is what they're learning now. But it's not just me when I think the fact that Celeste stood on the sidewalk for 6 hours is weird, right?
Danny: MAJOR LIFE EVENT. I ought to post this on FaceBook! But I just got a PROMOTION! Yeah Baby!
This actually makes me insanely happy. It took me so long to actually get him a job, then he never has the motives, the skill, nor the relationships to have a promotion. This is crazy hard... :/ Also, it looks like Macy might not make her LTW. She's only a week away from Elder (but Danny isn't even an Adult yet?) and hasn't even started writing skill.
Forget the remodel, maybe I should get a computer.
Reggie: You did number 7 wrong.
Jennie: Shut up.
Reggie: The negative should carry to all of the things in the br-
Jennie: Shut up, dude.
Reggie: Jens, I'm just trying to help. Here, let me show you. You solve for a hyperbola like this-
Jennie: SHUT UP. Or I'll stab you in your sleep.
Reggie: ... ... ... That's mean. I'm going to tell Mom you threatened my life.
Reggie: Zzzzzzzzz...
He insisted on stealing Jennie's sleeping bag when he has a perfectly good bed right there. Maybe to get back for the death threat?
Jedidiah: Whoops. Maybe I should remember to knock before I walk into a room.
Jennie: Especially a bathroom. I think you know you're really tired when you forget basic courtesy.
Both: Go to bed. I'M TIRED.
Jedidiah: Actually, I was just about to go to bed.
Somehow, I don't think this is supposed to happen. And then on top of that, it looks slightly painful. I mean, he's crawling through a wall!
Uh, Jedi, you sure that you're doing that properly?
Jedidiah: It's chill, man. I do me, you do you. Also, it's an adventure!
Macy: This painting is brilliant. Isn't it, Swim?
I'm confused. What's going on with his eye? And is his back supposed to bend like that?
Macy: ... Artistic liberty.
As long as it's adding §427 to the household funds.
Macy: Celebrating with some caaaake.
Heaven knows you have enough of it to celebrate every time your heart beats.
The next morning, all the kids woke up with the invisible alarm (is it like, a natural alarm clock? If so, I need one.)
Reggie: Lightbulb.
And it may or may not have been slightly late. Children! The bus will be here in like, 10 minutes.
Jedidiah: *choke* Ten minutes?? I thought our natural alarm clocks were so much better than that!
Reggie: Chill, dude. Just eat your cake.
Jennie: Did she used to have hair?
Yes. And I miss it.
Jess: Stupid sister, gets to keep her stupid hair.
Jedidiah: Are you sure some gnomes didn't shave your head in the night?
Jennie: Cake~!
A moment to thank the wonderful mail person for throwing our bills on the ground in a rage. We love you so much. We would really hate you if you actually put it in the mailbox, for a change. -_-
Wait.... *expletive* I forgot to send Reggie to school. *expletiiiiiiiiiiive* Run, Reggie, run!
Seriously. I am so done with these cheap toilets. EVERYTHING is constantly broken. Eventually, even the kids are going to have the handiness skill, even if it breaks the game.
Danny: Hum dee dum. Totally didn't forget about the garden for a day.
I did. And I'll forget about it more. Don't you worry. I'm actually quite surprised it's still alive.
At this point in time, I don't even know why the parents are scolding the kids most of the time. I think it's because I forgot to send Reggie to school?
Macy: I'm death glaring you, son.
Reggie: Home? School..... Not fair...... So scared.
Everyone, meet Rahul Patel. January went up to speak to him while she was at the hospital??
Rahul: Hmm mmmmm. Her hair was different in my imagination....
January: Wait. You imagined me? Am I real???
Macy: You're right, Reg. Lightbulb.
Reggie: Exactly!
I'm not sure what it is with this family and lightbulbs, but the founder Jacey, had a long tangent about them as well, halfway down the page.
Macy: Mac and cheese! Forget peanut butter jelly time and let them eat cake! Let's have some orange chemicals for dinner!
They still have like, two whole cakes and some autumn salad in the fridge. I don't think this is necessary.
Jess: Diamonds... Plotting plotting.
Jess: Diamonds! Master plan.
Reggie: I wish she would at least wain until after I was finished learning the chain rule.
Hey, at least she's talking about diamonds, which have value, as opposed to light bulbs.
Just a quick check in with Danny since we don't see him all too much. How are you?
Dany: Good! I'm close to another promotion
Okay, why are you up?? It's three in the morning!
Jennie: Cake~!
Ugh. Both of your??
And you?
Jess: You can be quiet. Your sleep schedule is closer to that of a very sleep-deprived bat than anything else.
Jennie: How many fingers do I have? One, two, three.....
Jennie: Sweet. All ten fingers. I want to make sure by beautiful sister Jess has all of hers as well.
But Jess was left alone to eat her cake. Jedi and Jennie went elsewhere. Where did they go?
Here! Of course, the one time that my sims decide to talk with each other, they choose the smallest room in the house. Thanks, so much, figments of my imagination.
Jedidiah: Doesn't Mom totally look like a real life version of the Mona Lisa?
Jennie: Polite nods to get through it, Jen.
Jess took it upon herself to pick up the bills, the victims of the mail person's rage, and sign them.
Jess: Just, that loop there.... Wait, I think Mom makes it a bit more loopy....
THough she doesn't seem qualified to be signing it. Especially if she's teaching herself to forge at the same time.
Jess: I wonder where all the trash goes. Is there a hole to the center of the Earth? Or maybe to China? Hm.... I wonder if this bin can fit a body.
This could be your heiress, ladies and gents.
January: Lightbulbs..... >:(
Reggie: Finally! She understands!
Reggie, I swear to God, if you're starting a conspiracy theory about lightbulbs, I won't let you go to school.
Macy decided that the perfect time to take out the trash was when her five teenagers were rushing out their single door to go to school. For some crazy reason.
Jedidiah: Mother! Please move. I want to make first block for once.
Macy: Hum dee dum! Look! There's a lady bug. Awwwww how cute!
Jennie: You'd think this would be much more painful than it is.
Well, what does it feel like?
Jennie: Sort of like there's a door through my arm, but less painful.
How very helpful of you.
I decided to change up Macy's hair style after mistaking her for a teenager like, twelve million times. I actually spent forever trying to figure out the right one. I settled on this.
Macy: Geez, I bet I wouldn't look much funnier if I was wearing one of those glasses-nose-mustache combo things.
Paper Girl: Didn't she JUST look like that?
Danny: La dee dum working on painting instead of guitar Swimingliwhatareyoudoing?
Wellllllll you did it by yourself? Oh look. Here comes your wife. Tell her she looks pretty.
Danny: What did you do to her?
Danny: You are still as beautiful as a sunflower, as fresh as a summer breeze, and as youthful as a ray of sunlight.
Macy: Awwwww you're so sweet. I love you.
A rare instance of my sims interacting. And I love writing the romantic stuff.
Jedidiah: Uh... Hello? Yeah, Fawn Annan You want to come over? Do some homework? ... You have an innertube water polo game? Is that a thing? ... What about after-
I think she hung up.
Jedidiah: Not again! Long and weighty sigh!
Jess: Ah. The sound of disappointment. It's the perfect soundtrack to go along with homework.
She is evil.....
Macy: My son can't get it done right.
Uh-oh... Macy, what are you doing??
Macy: I'm going to get a girl for him.
Have you ever considered that he doesn't want his mom setting him up with someone??
At least not yet?
Macy: Hi! It's Macy. Donner.... You know, with the purple—yeah! That's the one. Anyway, one of my sons keeps getting blown off by this Annan chick. .... Yeah! Rude, am I right? Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and see if you maybe wanted to marry him some day. ... Yeah? That's great! I'll see you soon!
The ratio of 'yeah's to other words in that conversation is astounding. But still, Mace, you think that's what Jedi wants?
Macy: Oh, definitely. :)
Macy: Easy as pie. *cracks knuckles*
Is it just me, or does the bandana add an entire dimension to her bad assness?
Reggie: Hello. How you doin'?
Skater Hat: *Awkward smile* Your mother tried to get me engaged to you.
Danny: If that's how you want to play it son, going for an older woman, okay. You do you.
I think this entire situation should make me worried.
January: Dad, please please please can I go to school tomorrow? I fixed my hair ages ago and I'm begging you.
Danny: Why was I mad at you again? Should I say yes? Would Macy say yes?
JUST SAY YES! (to the dress?)
Macy: I've done it.
Macy: *in dramatic voice* My first masterpiece.
Yay! Let's sell it for a lot of money!
Now I leave you here with a picture of the children. As soon as the next heir is chosen, this room is gone. I'm redoing the place. Maybe I should get a computer first. Probably that.
Anyway! Sorry for not getting it out in January. I just got so busy and I will continue to be for a while. However, I will get next chapter out as soon as possible.
I hope you enjoyed. Comments below or on the forum will be very appreciated. And gear up for the heir vote!
Until next time... Swim.
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